If your priority is your family’s health and wellness, your water should have at least the following qualities:

  1. Contaminant free. Sometimes, tap water is full of unhealthy toxins, including synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria and viruses, radioactive substances, as well as other treatment additives such as chlorine and fluoride.
  2. Mineral rich. The natural occurring minerals in the source water are not removed through purification processes, such as reverse osmosis and distillation.
  3. Alkaline pH. The drinking water should have an alkaline pH between 7.2 and 9.5.
  4. Micro-clustered. Water that is electrolyzed or reduced will have smaller groupings of water molecules. This smaller cluster size means that the water can be more easily absorbed into the cells, thereby providing superior hydration for the body and helping to dissolve and flush out acidic solid waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body.
  5. Antioxidants are necessary for proper function of the immune system. This is partly because immune cells produce free radicals for normal defense functions. If the level of free radicals in the immune cells surpasses the normal level, they negatively affect the immune system.
  6. Good taste. If your drinking water does not taste good, you simply will not want to drink enough water to stay hydrated.